Why India Anxious about CPEC?

In the 21st century, China has emerged as a strong economy. It has surpassed Japan
and achieved the status of the world, s second largest economy after American order to keep it huge economy lubricated China requires copious amount of black crud. thusChina has the great thirst for hydrocarbon resources especially middle eastern oil.
Regarding energy security ,China is very curious because of dominance of America around the middle east along with it, The US has a strong hold on the main sea lanes of
communication of the Indian and the Pacific oceans. This of course .creates a dilemma for Beijing. THE strait of malaca is under strong influence of the US, which a very significant choke point in the Indo-Pacific sea lane of communication, from where
almost 80pc of crud oil transported to Chinese port American presence around the strait is creating serious dilemma for china which is called The Malacca Dilemma. in order to
deal with Mlacca Dilemma china has initiated the Belt and Road project in 2013 and under that project china has to develop six economic corridors under Belt and Road.
The China-Pakistan Economic corridor (CPEC) is known as flagship project of Chinese Belt and Road initiative (BRI) with Imran khan,s visit of China in November last year the
project is gaining new heights. the newly elected government of Pakistan has vision to broaden the scope and level of CPEC developmental projects .Agriculture and livestock
and socio economic development are also included in the CPECis a game changer projects. According to leading experts on geopolitics and geo-economics,CPECis game
changer for south Asia.It will change the geopolitics as well as geostrategic landscape of South Asia and China will emergence as a key stakeholder in Indian Ocean Region and it will ultimately hurt the balance of power in the region especially it will clear
challenge for Indian hegemonic designs in the region. If we critically analyses the
situation regarding Chinese investment s in Pakistan and other South Asian countries,
India seems to be under extreme pressure. India keep a strict watch over China’s
developments. India is cautions and suspicious enough over every Chinese moves in
Pakistan. It is because if India China relations that the both countries are emerging
economies and have not a good history in strategic realm. Both have fought war in
1962 and engaged in many skirmishes. So under this background India perceivesventures in south Asia a threat thus pursuing antagonist diplomacy. It is attempting its
best to disrupt and damage China-Pakistan cordiality with Modi,s declared anti Pkistan
policy. India was struggling to isolate Pakistan at regional and world levels.However as
India got disappointed to observe that due to the construction of the CPEC, Pakistan
was popular at the regional and world levels.India does not want China to enhance its
trade and investment inother countries through the connectivity to be facilated by the
CPEC.sice India considers itself as a competitor to China at the regional and world
levels.It does not want China to further in economic diplomacy based on CPEC-related
connectivity.Without the shadow of doubt, CPEC is the real competitor of India.Indian
strategic and economic ambitions are under challenge because of Chainese ventures in
the region.Realistically speaking Indian intelligentsia and policy making circles are not
able to study the emerging scenario.It will be highly favourable and fruitful for India if it
joins CPEC.In fact it is opportunity for India to boost its economy and uplift its deprived
masses.But is quite infelicitous that India is looking toeards the whole region with the
optics of saffron terrorism and Arthashastra, which is clear and present danger for
regional peace and stabilitiy