Uber integrates national helpline number in-app
DHAKA, Aug. 1 (NsNewsWire) — Uber, the world's largest on-demand ride-sharing company, today
announced the integration of the nationwide emergency number 999 in its rider app to
enhance rider safety.
In a reinforcement of Uber’s commitment towards safety of riders, Uber integrated the
government’s helpline number in the app, which would prompt riders to dial 999 in case of
an emergency,
How does this work?
● In the event of an emergency situation during a ride, riders in an Uber can now
access an in-app card and press Call Now to connect to the toll free national help
desk run by the ICT division of Bangladesh.
● Once pressed, the rider will be prompted with 999 in their phone dialer.
● Calling 999 will connect the rider to the government’s control room where depending
on the nature of the emergency situation, a caller can select '1' for Ambulance; '2'
for fire service; '3' for Police; or '0' to speak directly with a government agent.