U.S. says two parties can still find way for credible elections


DHAKA, Dec. 3 (U.S. Embassy Statement) — “As the end of the mandate for the current government fast approaches, we believe that it is now more urgent than ever for both major parties to empower trusted lieutenants to undertake constructive dialogue to find a way forward to hold free and fair elections that are credible in the eyes of the Bangladeshi people. We believe that with goodwill, the two parties can still find a way to provide the free, fair and credible elections that the Bangladeshi people want and deserve.
As Assistant Secretary Biswal made clear during her visit to Bangladesh, violence is not part of the democratic process, is not acceptable and must stop immediately. The senseless violence of past days is especially reprehensible as it intentionally targeted innocent people with bombs and by burning them alive in vehicles.
We believe all parties should have space to freely and peacefully express their views. The government bears responsibility to provide such space; the opposition parties bear responsibility to use such space in a peaceful manner. “