Putin says Russophobia in West is counterproductive
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, June 1 (Xinhua) — Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Western hatred and fear of Russia is counterproductive and he hopes it will end soon.
Russophobia is generated as the world is moving toward multipolarization and global hegemons do not like it, Putin said at a meeting with the heads of Russian and foreign news agencies on the sidelines of the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Putin hopes Russophobia will end soon because the Western countries will finally realize that this mindset is “counterproductive and harmful to all.”
According to Putin, some countries have already realized the negative impacts of Russophobia and he hopes this trend will continue.
During the meeting, Putin once again denied state-sponsored cyberespionage and said hackers could come from anywhere in the world.
No hackers can significantly influence elections in foreign countries, he added.