Measures to Improve Drainage and Wastewater Management in Dhaka
DHAKA, Dec. 26 (NsNewsWire) — The Dhaka Water Supply and Sanitation Project aims to improve storm water drainage in select catchments in Dhaka and improve the planning capacity of the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA).
The project has initiated measures to install selected storm water pumping stations at Kamlapur and Rampura and rehabilitate selected canals to help improve drainage and minimize urban flooding. In doing so, the project has engaged contractors to fulfill the requirements of the development works.
The project has also completed the preparation of a master plan for wastewater management in Dhaka City. The project aims to support DWASA to develop a Service Improvement Plan for the water and sanitation services into selected Dhaka slums as well as support DWASA’s efforts to decentralize its activities with the development of a decentralized zonal management structure.
DWASA under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives is implementing this project which is funded by the World Bank with an IDA Credit of US$ 76.0 million. A recent review of the implementation progress of the project, focused on identifying key issues and any problem areas to be addressed through improved implementation.
The project was restructured with revised scaled down targets to enable the project to be successfully completed within the limited remaining project timeframe. Since the restructuring in June 2013, the project implementation has started to show progress and it is anticipated that the project will be able to meet its revised implementation targets.
With the completion of contracting for majority of contracts, the Project Management Unit and DWASA establishments at zonal level will need to closely monitor the mobilization, progress and timely completion of development works while ensuring quality of work through adequate contracts supervision on the ground. World Bank Press Release