Investing in Better Rural Connectivity for Bangladesh
DHAKA, Nov. 25 (NsNewsWire) — The Second Bangladesh Rural Transport Improvement Project (RTIP II) helps to improve the rural roads network sustainably. It helps rural communities with improved access to social and economic facilities and services such as schools, hospitals, markets, financial institutions and jobs. Rural people benefits from RTIP II’s interventions.
The project improves and maintains roads, growth center markets and waterways. The project also builds the capacity of government institutions to better manage rural transport infrastructure. Approximately 22 million people will benefit from this initiative.
The project aims to improve and maintain approximately 5,250 km of Union and Upazila roads and 50 growth center markets in 26 districts. So far, the project has completed maintenance work of 1,629 km roads, 64% of the target. Moreover contract has been signed for 2,769 km roads. The project pilots the performance-based maintenance contracting (PBMC) method and the low-cost restoration of rural waterways. To date, initial repair of 114 km roads have been completed; contract on-going of 184 km and procurement process on-going of 102km projecting 45% progress of the target of 203 km. The PBMC pilot aims to bring a positive shift in the road maintenance approach. The rural waterways pilot will provide better connectivity to the poor and isolated rural communities having limited or no access to roads and to waterways.
The project is likely to achieve all its targets, albeit a few hurdles remain. Recently, RTIP II is showing improving trends in all areas of implementation. As of August 2015, 3,583km road contracts have been signed under the project’s Accessibility Improvement component. The Institutional Strengthening, Capacity Building and Governance Enhancement component has also progressed well and most of the consultants are also on board. The project’s disbursements are getting back on track. So far RTIP II has disbursed approximately one fourth of the total funds.
The project is also developing a comprehensive rural roads transport safety framework. The framework comprises road safety standards and raising road safety awareness by involving primary school teachers. The project aims to enhance capacities of the implementing agency, Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), in planning, monitoring, finance, asset management, administration and governance.
The project has been using electronic Government procurement (e-GP) system for all procurement activities for ensuring efficiency, transparency and competitiveness in the procurement process.
The Government of Bangladesh is implementing the project with US$ 302 support from the World Bank.