DHAKA, Nov. 11 (NsNewsWire) — Grameenphone Ltd., in partnership with Telenor Digital, announced the launch a pilot for its ‘MyStudy’ project, at a city school Wednesday.
The app was inaugurated by Mr. Imran Ahmad, MP, Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Post and Telecommunications at Bangladesh Bank High School.
MyStudy is a mobile learning application brought by Grameenphone and developed by Telenor Digital. The application targets the SSC students in the 9th and 10th grade and currently focuses on the national curriculum for Mathematics and English II paper.
Speaking at the launch of the pilot program, Grameenphone Chief Marketing Officer, Mr. Yasir Azman, said “the MyStudy project is one more way that Grameenphone is bringing relevant content into Bangladesh and helping the youth of this country become more comfortable with technology.”
Pointing out that technology can be the great equalizer for the country the GP CMO added that the project was a “vibrant example of how the internet can usher in a revolution in education by narrowing the digital divide that separates our urban and rural schools.”
The core purpose of the mobile application is to operate as a supplementary tool that will help students to understand and learn the curriculum and prepare for the for the board exam. The application can be downloaded free from the Google PlayStore.
The application enables the student to go through the contents, self-assess performance and receive suggestions on improvement areas. The app also includes a module for parents, through which they can view the student’s performance progress with the app.
Citing the MyStudy application as another way that Telenor Digital was supporting the mobile eco-system grow in Bangladesh, Mr. Gunnar Sellæg, Head of Product Innovation in Telenor, said that “such applications are growing indications of how mobile applications can enhance the utility of the mobile phone from just a voice communicator to a social enabler.” He reiterated that Telenor Digital was happy to support Grameenphone bring such a robust tool that will bring access to education for all.
The pilot was kicked off at the Bangladesh Bank High School in Arambagh in the presence of more than 300 guests comprising of school students, parents, teachers, academicians, and guardians.
The four-month pilot will test the service amongst students in 10 selected schools across Bangladesh. The pilot will continue from November 2015 to March 2016. Usage will also be promoted through online media, as well as through the social network platforms. The application will be further enhanced in terms of features and scope based on the pilot feedback.
Prothom Alo Digital was involved in the project as content provider. Moreover the content and structure of the subjects have been developed by school teachers themselves. The app will be launched in other markets by Telenor Digital if proven successful in Bangladesh.
Symphony is the device partner for the pilot at schools.
The core aim of the initiative is to contribute to the digital transformation of Grameenphone and bridge the gap in access to quality education across the country.