Eid al-Adha not all about sacrificing of animals, it is more than this
By Safiul Azam, ACMA*
Eid al-Adha or Qurbanir Eid or Bakra-Eid is also called the Feast of Sacrifice, the Greater Eid, is the second of two religious holidays celebrated by Muslim ummah worldwide each year. It honours the willingness of Ibrahim (PBUH) to sacrifice his son, as an act of order submission to Allah’s command, before Allah then intervened, through his angel Jibra’il and informs him that his sacrifice has already been accepted. Once sahaba asked Prophet (PBUH)” Ya Rasulullah, what is this sacrifice (Quarbani)?” He said: “it is the way of your fore father Ibrahim.”
Sacrifice for Allah has a very long history in Islam. Habil and Qabil offered first sacrifice for Allah in known history. Habil’s (pious man) sacrifice was accepted by Allah while Qabil’s sacrifice was not accepted. And later, there was no reason why a father (Ibrahim) should slaughter his innocent son (Ishmael). But, when the command came from Allah, he never asked the reason to that command, nor did he hesitate to obey it. This is the true philosophy of ‘Qurbani’.
Hazrat Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah sacrificed with his own hands, two white rams with black markings. He took the name of Allah and recited ‘Takbir’. Hazrat Anas states that he saw him putting his foot upon their buttocks and saying: “In the name of Allah. And Allah is the greatest”. (Sahih Bukhari ,Sahih Muslim)
The real purpose of qurban is to attain and reach Allah’s consent and to wish to approach Him. Sacrifice is also an example of social assistance and commonality. In general, the poor eat most of the meat of the animals that are sacrificed. As it is seen, the understanding of approaching Allah and helping the poor exist in the essence of this worship.
Allah does not need sacrifice, nor does he need all of the other worship performed by man. However, with the command of sacrifice, Allah tests His slaves, measures their devotion and their attention to that Divine decree and their closeness to Him. He states the following in the Qur’an, Al-Hajj: “It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him.” (22/37). Accordingly, it is understood that the real aim of sacrificing an animal is to fulfill the order of Allah and show that one fears Allah. It means we can sacrifice even our most valuable assets if Allah asks us. The aim is to show that we can even sacrifice our lives just like Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham) who decided to sacrifice his son, Ismail (Ishmael). In a sense, qurban means we can get rid of the feeling of loving worldly possessions and sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah.
The religion of Islam aims to make the individual attain spiritual wisdom and human virtues; meanwhile, it introduces some unifying and integrating commands and practices for the community. This superior characteristic of Islam becomes more apparent in financial kinds of worship.
“To every people did We appoint rites (of sacrifice), that they might celebrate the name of Allah over the sustenance He gave them from animals (fit for food). But your Allah is One Allah, submit then your wills to Him (in Islam): and give you the good news to those who humble themselves [The Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj),34 (22:34)].” In that verse, it is expressed that Almighty Allah commanded that decree in order to remind His slaves that He is the owner of all animals and that He offered them to human beings as an indication of His mercy and grace. Man, can fall into heedlessness and forget in the course of time that the real owner of his possessions and wealth is Allah Almighty, who gave him all the possessions as a grace. Like Qarun, he may think that he obtained all of the things through his own work, knowledge and ability; and he may start to appropriate the Divine blessings for himself and assume that he has a power and might. He may feel conceited and go beyond the limit. So, the command of sacrifice reminds him that all the possessions and commodities, vineyards and orchards, wealth and money are the bounties of Allah Almighty who bestowed them on him and that Allah is the real owner. He informs man that he cannot have anything without His permission and will. Thus, man gives up arrogance and becomes humble. He starts to behave like a real slave and tries to give thanks to Allah. And that behavior becomes an opportunity to approach to Allah and gain Allah’s consent.
Hazrat Abraham laid down his son and started to slaughter him in the throat. However, the knife did not cut Hazrat Ishmael (pbuh). It was because the intention of Allah, the Most high, was not Hazrat Ishmael’s being slaughtered but to show and inform angels and people who will come till the end of time about those two noble prophets’ inaccessible submission and obedience, devotion and generosity. So sacrificing is a commemoration of that great and exemplary event.
Every year, thousands of animals are sacrificed by Muslims. It is, in a sense, a symbolic expression that a Muslim can sacrifice anything he has in order to worship Allah, comply with His command and give up anything he has for His sake.
Mufti Muhammad Taqi Uthmaani states that the philosophy behind ‘Qurban’ is that it is a demonstration of total submission to Allah and a proof of complete obedience to Allah’s will or command. When a Muslim offers a ‘Qurban’ this is exactly what he intends to prove. Thus, the ‘Qurban’ offered signifies that he is a slave of Allah at his best. And that he would not hesitate even for a moment once he receives an absolute command from his Creator to surrender before it, to obey it willingly, even if it be at the price of his life and possessions.
We want to conclude with the statement of Hazrat Ayesha radiyallahu anha, she reports that the Apostle of Allah said, “The son of Adam does not perform any actions on the day of sacrifice which is more pleasing to Allah than the shedding of blood. He will come on the day of resurrection with its hair, horns and hooves, and the blood certainly will fall in a place near Allah before it falls on the ground. So, make yourselves purified there with. (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)
*Safiul Azam,ACMA is Senior Editorial Consultant – NsNews Wire, an associate member of ICMAB, President and Chief Rayman – The World Raymen, Vice President – CMA BD Tiger Toastmaster, Fellow of Bangladesh – China Media Consortium and involve in private service.