As police hunt Manchester terror network, academics seek answers to why Britain becomes a target
LONDON, May 25 (Xinhua) — With police and security services Thursday continuing to pursue the terror gang that brought horror to Manchester, academics zoomed in for the reasons why Britain became a target.
Its role, alongside its close ally the U.S. as a superpower, a member of the coalition using RAF jets to pound ISIS locations, and even the country’s vulnerability in the wake of Brexit and the snap general election, are all implicated, according to academic experts Xinhua has spoken to.
Just as importantly is what, if anything, can be done to deter or prevent younger people, outwardly looking and acting like their peers, from becoming radicalised killers and willing to blow themselves apart in the name of their cause?
Dr Imran Awan, associate professor of the Center for Applied Criminology at Birmingham City University, believes the brutal attack on the Manchester Arena Monday night would have been celebrated by terror groups such as ISIS as a direct hit on a super power, high on its target list.
Awan said the timing of the suicide bombing at the arena, exactly on the fourth anniversary of the slaying of British soldier Lee Rigby, was a critical factor. The British army fusilier was slaughtered in broad daylight in Britain on the afternoon of May 22, 2013 by Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale near the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich in southeast London.
With Britain’s terror alert now raised in its highest level of critical, Awan fears such events as the Wimbledon tennis championships could become a key target, with the potential for more strikes on July 7 also a risk. Before Manchester, the worst terror attack came on July 7, 2005 with bombings on London Underground, and a London double deck bus blown apart. What became the 7/7 bombings left more than 50 people dead.
Awan told Xinhua: “Britain has long been a target of terrorist groups along with European countries. But Britain and the U.S. as superpowers would be viewed as prized number one targets, high up on the lists of ISIS and other terror groups.
“The terrible incident in Manchester has to be seen in the context of the murder of the soldier Lee Rigby. I believe the attack in Manchester could have been made with that anniversary in mind, and planned to coincide.”
Awan said the fact soldiers are now highly visible on the streets of Britain is part of the protocol with the threat level being raised.
“It is still quite rare to see soldiers on patrol duty across London and in other parts of Britain. The sight of soldiers on duty will generate media attention,” he said.
“I think that each terror attack, and the response to it, needs very careful assessment. Attacks such as Manchester, understandably, generate strong public outrage.
“But we are already seeing incidents involving Muslim people. It must be remembered that Muslim people are just as likely to be victims of terrorism as anybody.
“As with the 7/7 attacks, we have seen in Manchester what appears to be a home-grown terrorist. From the very start I never thought the Manchester bomber was a lone wolf. It was clear there must have been some assistance to get to that level.”
What will be difficult, says Awan will be the ability to eradicate groups such as ISIS, and the flow of people wanting to join such terror groups.
Geopolitical issues and the world we live in all come into play, says the academic.
“Will it ever end”, poses Awan, “what needs to be done is to engage with young people at grassroots level, using community approaches especially within Muslim communities.”
Awan has studied the reasons why many young Muslims become radicalised and asked the question what leads an individual to carry out an act on terror in Britain. He has spoken to numerous Muslims to seek the answers.
Young Muslims he quizzed referred to push and pull factors for why some of their numbers might become radicalised and travel to fight for ISIS. Reasons ranged from boredom to issues with a lack of identity and concerns over foreign policy.